
 This document explains how to install the SAML2 library and configure it to work with the PureAUTH Identity Platform and make DotNet applications passwordless.


ASP.NET Web forms application / ASP.NET web API (.Net framework 4.5/4.6+)


  • SAML2 Library – Author : Michael Hallock

NuGet package installation

  • Install the SAML2 Library from Project > Manage NuGet Packages > SAML2 by Michael Hallock

Add DotNet SAML application on PureAUTH

  • Enter the Application Name. It could be anything you desire.
  • Select Primary (Corporate Email) in the Dataset for email field.

Instead of localhost, you can use your “https://<domain with port>/Login.ashx

  • In the “SAML Response Endpoint (ACS URL)” field, enter the URL using the following pattern.
https://<domain with port>/Login.ashx
  • In “Audience (Entity ID)” field, enter the URL using the following pattern:
https://<domain with port>/Login.ashx
  • In “SAML Logout Response Endpoint (SLO URL)” field enter the URL using the following pattern:
https://<domain with port>/Login.ashx

Sign Assertion : Check it please.

Library Configuration

  • Edit your Web.config.
  • Inside <configuration> Section add below SAML.

<section name="saml2" type="SAML2.Config.Saml2Section, SAML2"/>

  • Inside <system.webServer> Section add below Handlers and Modules.

<remove name="SAML2.Protocol.Saml20SignonHandler" />
<remove name="SAML2.Protocol.Saml20LogoutHandler" />
<remove name="SAML2.Protocol.Saml20MetadataHandler" />
<add name="SAML2.Protocol.Saml20SignonHandler" verb="*" path="Login.ashx" type="SAML2.Protocol.Saml20SignonHandler, SAML2" />
<add name="SAML2.Protocol.Saml20LogoutHandler" verb="*" path="Logout.ashx" type="SAML2.Protocol.Saml20LogoutHandler, SAML2" />
<add name="SAML2.Protocol.Saml20MetadataHandler" verb="*" path="Metadata.ashx" type="SAML2.Protocol.Saml20MetadataHandler, SAML2" />


<remove name="Saml20MetadataFetcher" />
<add name="Saml20MetadataFetcher" type="SAML2.Saml20MetadataFetcherModule" preCondition="managedHandler" />

  • Inside <configuration> and below </system.webServer> add below SAML.
<audience uri="<Paste the ACS url to be configured in the PureAuth Portal: Example: https://localhost:44333/Login.ashx>"   />
<serviceProvider id= "<Must be changed according to the changes in the audience URL. Example: "https://localhost:44333/">" server="<Similar to serviceProvider id. Example : "https://localhost:44333/">" >
<signingCertificate findValue="CN=localhost" storeLocation="LocalMachine" storeName="My" x509FindType="FindBySubjectDistinguishedName" />
<endpoint type="SignOn" localPath="Login.ashx" redirectUrl="~/api/Values" binding="Post" />
<endpoint type="Logout" localPath="Logout.ashx" redirectUrl="~/Help" />
<endpoint type="Metadata" localPath="Metadata.ashx" />
<authenticationContexts comparison="Exact">
<add context="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:ac:classes:PasswordProtectedTransport" referenceType="AuthnContextClassRef" />
<identityProviders metadata= "<Points to a directory that contains the metadata downloaded/generated from the IDP. Example : "C:\Users\ABC\Desktop\MetaPureAuth">"  >
<add id= "<SAML Login URL obtained from PureAuth Portal. Example:"">" default="true" omitAssertionSignatureCheck="false">
<add type="SAML2.Specification.SelfIssuedCertificateSpecification, SAML2" />
<clear />
<action name="SetSamlPrincipal" type="SAML2.Actions.SamlPrincipalAction, SAML2" />
<action name="MyAuthentication" type=" "<Replace this with namespace, which we created for custom authentication. Example: PACKAGE>".MyAuthenticationAction, <Same as namespace> " />
<action name="Redirect" type="SAML2.Actions.RedirectAction, SAML2" />
  • The field highlighted in Red will be the ACS url to be configured in the PureAuth Portal.
  • The fields highlighted in Blue must be changed according to the changes in the audience URL (highlighted RED).
  • The field highlighted in yellow should be the SAML Login URL obtained from PureAuth Portal.
  • The field highlighted in green points to a directory that contains the metadata downloaded/generated from the IDP.
    • Generate the metadata by the following steps:
      • Go to
      • Copy the entity ID from PureAUTH and paste it in the EntityID field.
      • Copy the SAML Login URL from PureAUTH and paste it in the Single Sign On Service Endpoint (HTTP-REDIRECT) Field.
      • Copy the X509 certificate from PureAUTH and paste it in the SP X.509 cert field.
      • Select NameId Format to be emailAddress.
      • Scroll down and click “Build IDP metadata“.
      • Copy the generated IDP metadata and paste it in Notepad.
      • Save it as an .XML file at location given in “Web.config” file.
<identityProviders metadata="C:\Users\ABC\Desktop\MetaPureAuth">
  • Replace the field highlighted in purple  with your namespace, which we created for custom authentication.

Add custom Authentication

  • Add a custom authentication handler to the root.

The Authentication Handler name should be : MyAuthenticationAction.cs

  • Add below complete section in MyAuthenticationAction.cs
using SAML2;
using SAML2.Actions;
using SAML2.Identity;
using SAML2.Protocol;
using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Security.Claims;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Security;

namespace <YourNamespace>
public class MyAuthenticationAction : IAction
#region Implementation of IAction
private string _name = "MyAuthentication";
public string Name
get { return _name; }
set { _name = value; }
/// <summary>
/// Action performed during login.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="handler">The handler initiating the call.</param>
/// <param name="context">The current http context.</param>
/// <param name="assertion">The saml assertion of the currently logged in user.</param>

public void SignOnAction(AbstractEndpointHandler handler, HttpContext context, Saml20Assertion assertion)
var identifier = assertion.Subject.Value;
throw new ArgumentException(identifier);

//Handle Auth Cookies Here
/// <summary>
/// Action performed during logout.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="handler">The handler.</param>
/// <param name="context">The context.</param>
/// <param name="IdPInitiated">During IdP initiated logout some actions such as redirecting should not be performed</param>

public void LogoutAction(AbstractEndpointHandler handler, HttpContext context, bool IdPInitiated)

Verify SAML Authentication

  • Visit the Login.ashx endpoint.
  • You will be redirected to PureAuth.
  • Open the AuthVR5 app and scan the QR code using Swift Login.
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